Ransom For A Dead Man is the 2nd tv-movie-pilot starring Columbo, airing nearly three years after Prescription Murder. I'm not sure what the hold-up was, or what the initial plans for the character were since the last movie was produced.
I do have some inkling that the viewing public thought Columbo was a little mean in the original 'pilot,' openly harassing and practically threatening the suspect's girlfriend into agreeing to his plan to set up the suspect. I mean, that was HARSH. The good doctor in that movie openly sees through Columbo's ruse, and with that Columbo goes after the weakest spot in the doctor's plans, his emotional wreck of a patient/mistress. And, as I stated in the previous post, you are introduced to the doctor's plight. Through his point of view, Columbo is the antagonist in this film, therefore you might actually not root for Columbo.